Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ikan Singgang

Assalamualaikum to all my reader,

Today, I would like to share with you a side dish that been my father’s favourite. Everytime my father came back from work, he would definitely look under the tudung saji first. My father doesn’t mind what kinds of side dishes my mother cooked as long as there is rice for him to eat. Well, that a little thing about my father. Now let me introduce you to Ikan Singgang.

Ikan Singgang

Ikan singgang is one of the common side dished for lunch in Malaysia. During that time, most people will search for something to eat but of course there has to be rice. Ikan Singgang is a fish cooked in boiled water that have been mix with ginger, garlic and other ingredients. It is vey simple and easy to make.

The video show how to make Ikan Singgang.

I hope all of you can learn and enjoy this unique traditional side dish.

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