Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Keropok Lekor

Assalamualaikum and hello to all of you,

As a pure child (anak jati) of Terengganu, I must not forget to promote about my state. The most popular snack around Terengganu goes to….KEROPOK LEKOR!

Keropok lekor

Keropok lekor, or some might say Keropok Ikan, is mostly made from fish. There are 2 ways to enjoy Keropok lekor which are steamed/boiled or deep fried. This snack come along with a deep chili sauce to make the keropok tastier. This snack should be served while it still hot as it crispy on the outside and tender at the inside.

Fried keropok lekor
Boiled keropok lekor

This snack can be easily found in Terengganu as most of the stall are at the roadside. With very reasonable price, you can enjoy this tasty snack anytime you want. 

Common keropok lekor stall

Well, that is Keropok Lekor for you. Hope you like this post and keep following this blog for more Malay delicious cuisine. Till’ we meet next time.

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