Saturday, August 29, 2015


Assalamualaikum to all,

Do you know what is ulam? Ulam is traditional salad that consists of cabbage, cucumber and other vegetables. Typical Malaysian will eat it raw and usually served with plain rice and other side dishes.

Common ulam

There are many types of ulam and each of it have its own health benefits.

Ulam Raja

Ulam Raja

This ulam is normally only take the young shoot and it is said to clean the blood of toxic and strengthen he bones.

Ulam pegaga

Ulam pegaga

Ulam pegaga or pennywort leaves, is eaten with rice and some people make it as a drink. This ulam can rebuild energy, help to combat stress and also increase mental power.



Petai is quite famous in Malaysia for it strong smell. This ulam contains high potassium but low in salt making it perfect to fight blood pressure.

That is all for today. Thank you stay tune to my blog.  

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