Sunday, August 30, 2015

Nasi Dagang


Today I would like to share with all of you one meal that quite famous in Terengganu, Nasi Dagang.

nasi dagang

Nasi dagang is made from grains of red and fragrant rice steamed with fenugreek, ginger and shallots and served with various gulais. But most people enjoy nasi dagang served with Gulai Ikan Tongkol.

gulai ikan tongkol
Another additional that complete nasi dagang is pickled vegetable or the Malay called it as acar. The ingredient used to make acar are vinegar, cucumber and some may us pineapple.


Nasi dagang is usually made when someone want to celebrate something. For example, first born child or anniversary. So, that is all from me. Hope you guys enjoy this post. 

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