Sunday, August 30, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello to all my reader,

What do you guys know about kerepek? Kerepek is a malay traditional snack which can be eaten anytime. Kerepek is just like chips but have a very unique taste. There are various kerepek available in Malaysia. For example, Kerepek pisang, Kerepek bayam, Kerepek bawang, and Kerepek ubi.

Each of the kerepek has its own way to make it but mostly it is light and thin, easy to be eaten.

The video above show you how to make Kerepek Pisang.

This snack can be easily found in any shop and it is affordable and there are so many choices for the customer to buy. Different kerepek has different price but don’t worry as the tastes is worth for it.  

Okay, so that is all for today. You can try make your own kerepek with you own favorite taste.

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