Sunday, August 30, 2015



1. Azlita Aziz. (2014). Nasi Minyak. Retrieved from

2. Che’ Nom. (n.d.). Resepi Ayam Masak Merah. Retrieved from

3. Athirah Zaki. (n.d.). Keropok Lekor. Retrieved from

4. Keropok Lekor. (n.d.). Backpacking Malaysia. Retrieved from

5. Wang, C. (2010). Seriously Malaysian: How to Make Rendang. Retrieved from

6. What Is Lemang?. (n.d.). wiseGEEK. Retrieved from

7. Quek, E. (2015). Curry puff showdown. Retrieved from 

8. Basuni, M. (2012). Haeven of Kerepek. Retrieved from

9. Recipe for nasi dagang with gulai ikan tongkol. (2014). Free Malaysia Today. Retrieved from

10. What Is Nasi Dagang? (n.d.). wiseGEEK. Retrieved from

11.Nasi Dagang Terengganu & Gulai Ikan Tongkol. (n.d.). Travelling Foodies. Retrieved from

12. Norfanil. (2015). Resepi Ikan Singgang Terengganu Paling Senang! Campak-campak je! Retrieved from

13. Winston. (2012). Seri Muka (Pandan Custard with Sweet Glutinous Rice) Recipe. Retrieved from

14. Ho, E. (2013). Kuih Salad, Nyonya Kuih or Seri Muka - different names, same goodness. The Malaysian Insider. Retrieved from

15. Azmil. (2014). The Healthy Benefits of The Malaysian Appetizers – Ulam – Ulaman. Retrieved from

16. Jehanne. (2013). Bubur Kacang Hijau, easy Malaysian dessert recipe. The Cooking Doctor. Retrieved from

17. Medan, R. (n.d.). Ice Kacang Recipe 1. Instructables. Retrieved from

18. Calla, R. (n.d.). Resipi Nasi Goreng Kampung Yang Sedap Dan Pedas. Panduan Malaysia. Retrieved from























Assalamualaikum and hello to all my reader,

What do you guys know about kerepek? Kerepek is a malay traditional snack which can be eaten anytime. Kerepek is just like chips but have a very unique taste. There are various kerepek available in Malaysia. For example, Kerepek pisang, Kerepek bayam, Kerepek bawang, and Kerepek ubi.

Each of the kerepek has its own way to make it but mostly it is light and thin, easy to be eaten.

The video above show you how to make Kerepek Pisang.

This snack can be easily found in any shop and it is affordable and there are so many choices for the customer to buy. Different kerepek has different price but don’t worry as the tastes is worth for it.  

Okay, so that is all for today. You can try make your own kerepek with you own favorite taste.

Seri Muka

Assalamualaikum and good morning,

Today I would like to share with all of you a sweet called Seri Muka or another name is Kuih Salat

Seri muka

What is seri muka? Seri muka is a two-layered dessert with sweetened glutinous rice at the bottom and pandan custard at the top. The taste is sweet and creamy. Most children like this kind of dessert.

Ingredients to make seri muka

This seri muka is a unique blend of Malay and Chinese culture, this "kuih" calls for the use of glutinous rice, which is known for its sticky texture.

The video below show how to make a Seri muka.

Well, that the end for today’s post. Do wait for another awesome update on Malay traditional cuisine. 

Curry puff

Assalamualaikum to all,

Today is a fine day to enjoy this evening. With some pastries, it would be a perfect evening. Let me introduce the Malay traditional pastries that has stolen the heart of many Malaysian. The Currypuff.

Curry puff

This pastry is a common snack that most of people all age and gender liked. This pastry usully come with two kids of filling, potato fillings and fish fillings.

Potato fillings
Fish fillings

Even though currypuff is quite hard to make especially the skin of currypuff but it worth for the taste. People can easily be addicted with it. The special thing about this traditional currypuff is that the skins are handmade.

curry puff's skin

Well, that’s all for today. I hope you gain new information with this latest post.

See you next time~~  


Malaysia is rich with diversity of culture. Even though Malaysia is consist of different race such as Malays, Chinese, Indians and various ethnic in Sabah and Sarawak, the originality of the Malay is still alive. This can be clearly seen in its cuisine.  Malay cuisine is wide and have variety of types for each of the Malaysian district. By using local ingredients, the true Malay traditional food can be preserve.

Malay cuisine has many types of food that include:


Side dishes



Malay is unique with its food. so I take this chance to introduce the recipe of Malay traditional cuisine to the people around the globe.

stay tune for more update on unique Malay foods...

Nasi Dagang


Today I would like to share with all of you one meal that quite famous in Terengganu, Nasi Dagang.

nasi dagang

Nasi dagang is made from grains of red and fragrant rice steamed with fenugreek, ginger and shallots and served with various gulais. But most people enjoy nasi dagang served with Gulai Ikan Tongkol.

gulai ikan tongkol
Another additional that complete nasi dagang is pickled vegetable or the Malay called it as acar. The ingredient used to make acar are vinegar, cucumber and some may us pineapple.


Nasi dagang is usually made when someone want to celebrate something. For example, first born child or anniversary. So, that is all from me. Hope you guys enjoy this post. 

Nasi Goreng

Assalamualaikum and hello to all,

While I was thinking about assignments and group project that need to be settle, my hunger attacks me. Hunger really makes me think of my hometown in Kemaman. This is when I miss my mother the most, especially her handmade foods. I seriously wants to brag about my chef-like mother, but not today. I want to share a food that is simple but can make you full, Fried Rice.

Fried rice

Fried Rice, or in Malay we called Nasi Goreng, is a popular food being order in restaurant and stall. This is because fried rice is easy to make and quick. Fried rice also come in many varieties. For example, Nasi Goreng Pattaya, Nasi Goreng Kampung and Nasi Goreng Ayam.

Nasi goreng kampung 

Nasi goreng pattaya
Nasi goreng ayam

As I said earlier, this dish is easy and quick. So, don’t you guys want to know how to do it? This might help you when you’re hungry later.

With that I end my post for today. 


Assalamualaikum I bid to all of you,

Malaysia's shaved ice

Do you know what is in the picture? It is called Ice Kacang or as known as Air Batu Campur (ABC) in Malaysia. This dessert is sweet with the shaved ice and other different syrup on top of it. The inside of the Ice Kacang are usually red beans, peanuts and sweet corn.

Ingredient used to make ABC  

Ice Kacang taste really good when it serve during a hot weather. With the coldness and sweetness, Ice Kacang can melt our thirst. Usually Ice Kacang is sell during the evening of the days. You can easily found it at stalls on the roadside.


Don’t worry about the price because this dessert is too cheap for it sweetness. Usually one bowl of Ice kacang only cost not more than RM 4. So, what are you waiting for? Go and grab it right now!

Bubur Kacang

Assalammualaikum and good morning to all,

Yesterday, my family went to visit my grandmother at my aunt’s house. Before we arrived, my mother stopped by the roadside to buy some sweets for her mother-in-law. One thing that catch my attention is the bubur kacang. It has been a long time since I ate it. So, now lets me introduce to you: Bubur Kacang.

Bubur kacang

Bubur kacang is in a liquid form and a sweet concoction of green mung beans cooked with decadent, creamy coconut milk and palm sugar. This dessert is very easy to make and don’t need various ingredients.

Coconut milk

Palm sugar
Green mung bean

Even though bubur kacang don’t look fancy but the sweetness of it can seriously backup the look.

Texture of bubur kacang

So, I think that’s all for today. Hope you guys have a great day. bYe~~~

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Assalamualaikum to all,

Do you know what is ulam? Ulam is traditional salad that consists of cabbage, cucumber and other vegetables. Typical Malaysian will eat it raw and usually served with plain rice and other side dishes.

Common ulam

There are many types of ulam and each of it have its own health benefits.

Ulam Raja

Ulam Raja

This ulam is normally only take the young shoot and it is said to clean the blood of toxic and strengthen he bones.

Ulam pegaga

Ulam pegaga

Ulam pegaga or pennywort leaves, is eaten with rice and some people make it as a drink. This ulam can rebuild energy, help to combat stress and also increase mental power.



Petai is quite famous in Malaysia for it strong smell. This ulam contains high potassium but low in salt making it perfect to fight blood pressure.

That is all for today. Thank you stay tune to my blog.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ikan Singgang

Assalamualaikum to all my reader,

Today, I would like to share with you a side dish that been my father’s favourite. Everytime my father came back from work, he would definitely look under the tudung saji first. My father doesn’t mind what kinds of side dishes my mother cooked as long as there is rice for him to eat. Well, that a little thing about my father. Now let me introduce you to Ikan Singgang.

Ikan Singgang

Ikan singgang is one of the common side dished for lunch in Malaysia. During that time, most people will search for something to eat but of course there has to be rice. Ikan Singgang is a fish cooked in boiled water that have been mix with ginger, garlic and other ingredients. It is vey simple and easy to make.

The video show how to make Ikan Singgang.

I hope all of you can learn and enjoy this unique traditional side dish.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Rendang and Lemang

Assalamualaikum and welcome to all the reader,

Hearing the beautiful classical Hari Raya song, make me wonder many kinds of food during Hari Raya…how I really miss it.

When we talk about Hari Raya, most of us will have the picture of rendang and lemang flashed inside our mind. This 2 food can be consider as the symbol Hari raya. The most famous rendang in Malaysia is rendang daging and rendang ayam. The aroma of the rendang can melt every hunger in the people’s stomach.

Rendang ayam
Rendang daging

Enough with the rendang. Now let’s us talk about lemang. To describe lemang, it is a delicacy containing glutinous rice and coconut milk that's roasted inside a hollow bamboo stick.

Lemang being roasted

Lemang is not easy to make as it need to be roasted over a slow fire for around three to four hours to make sure it cooked completely. Once it cooked, the bamboo stick have to be split to take out the cooked lemang.

Cooked lemang

Then we serve it together with rendang.

Served rendang and lemang

Then, that is all for today. Hope all of you enjoy this post.

Keropok Lekor

Assalamualaikum and hello to all of you,

As a pure child (anak jati) of Terengganu, I must not forget to promote about my state. The most popular snack around Terengganu goes to….KEROPOK LEKOR!

Keropok lekor

Keropok lekor, or some might say Keropok Ikan, is mostly made from fish. There are 2 ways to enjoy Keropok lekor which are steamed/boiled or deep fried. This snack come along with a deep chili sauce to make the keropok tastier. This snack should be served while it still hot as it crispy on the outside and tender at the inside.

Fried keropok lekor
Boiled keropok lekor

This snack can be easily found in Terengganu as most of the stall are at the roadside. With very reasonable price, you can enjoy this tasty snack anytime you want. 

Common keropok lekor stall

Well, that is Keropok Lekor for you. Hope you like this post and keep following this blog for more Malay delicious cuisine. Till’ we meet next time.

Ayam Masak Merah

Assalamualaikum and welcome,

Today I would like to talk about a side dish that have connection with the recent entry that I post which is Nasi Minyak. Do you still remember about the post? If not, just click on the word highlighted above.

Previous post

Okay, back to this post, Ayam Masak Merah is a famous side dish around Malaysia. Ayam Masak Merah is loved by all age and gender.
The main ingredient of this side dish is, of course, chicken and everybody love chicken (as food..^×^..).

Ayam masak merah

The best thing about this Ayam Masak Merah is it can be found everywhere. Most people would easily find this side dish at every restaurants and food stalls.

Common Malaysia food stall

Now, let us talk about the taste. In one word, I would say it is marvelous, delicious, tasty and
all of the above. ^@^. In Negeri Sembilan, Ayam Masak Merah can be spicy but when it come to Kelantan, this side dish can taste sweet. Well, it depends on how the person wants it to taste like.

So, I think that's enough for today. See you next time..

Nasi Minyak

Assalamualaikum and hello to all,

For today, I would like to share with you guys and girls one full meal that has taken my heart and become my favourite meal. *Drumroll* NASI MINYAK.

Nasi Minyak

Okay, let me brief to you a little things about Nasi Minyak.

In Malaysia, Nasi Minyak is known as synonym for wedding ceremony. This is because the main menu for Malay wedding ceremony is Nasi Minyak. Where ever you go around Malaysia, such as Johor, Selangor, Melaka, Terengganu and other states, the wedding ceremony will have Nasi Minyak. 

Malay traditional wedding ceremony

This Nasi Minyak usually come with side dish called Ayam Masak Merah. But that is not the only options. You can also eat it with side dishes called Ayam Kurma, Gulai Ayam, Gulai Daging or Daging Masak Hitam 

Ayam Masak Merah
Ayam Kurma

Gulai Daging

Uhhhhhhmmmm…its look so delicious. I wish I can have it with me right now…*daydreaming*

Okay, back to reality. So, this is what I want to share with everyone. Anyone who didn’t try this 
Nasi Minyak, you are in a state of loss. Go and find yourself a plate of tasty Nasi Minyak…*run*

For those who already try, feel free to comment about it.

Complete served of Nasi Minyak